How to Claim

Character of help desk operator

Report the Crash and Injury Online

If you have been injured in a crash, report the crash and injury to us via the Online Crash Reporting Facility.

If your injury is minor (e.g. you require minimal treatment) and was caused by the fault of another driver, we can pay your treatment costs, and loss of earnings if you were off work for a few days.

Minor claims can usually be processed quickly. We will provide you with a treatment number to give to your health practitioner, so they can enter this directly into a HICAPS terminal, if they have one.

You can also send receipts for treatment to us for reimbursement at (write the reference number and your full name in the subject line).

Serious Injuries

If your injuries are serious and require ongoing treatment, we will send you a Notice of Intention to Claim form and a Medical Authority form. Once these are completed, we will assess your claim and advise the outcome.

If your claim is accepted, we can pay your treatment costs and loss of earnings if you were off work. You may also be eligible for compensation for future medical treatment, loss of earnings and pain and suffering.

If you or someone you know has suffered a catastrophic injury (acquired brain injury, spinal injury, blindness, multiple amputations and severe burns), please report this to us irrespective of who caused the crash.

Engaging a Lawyer

You can lodge your claim and deal directly with us if you wish.  If your claim is complex or disputed, it may be in your best interests to seek advice from a lawyer. You may choose to seek legal advice at any stage of the claims process.  If your claim involves a child or person with a disability, there are some circumstances where a lawyer must be engaged, such as where court approval of a settlement is required.

If your injuries are not covered under the motor vehicle injury insurance policy, you may wish to engage a lawyer to advise you on whether there are other avenues available to you to seek care and/or compensation for your injuries.  For example, you may be able to make a claim under workers’ compensation, a public liability claim against a third party, or a claim under a total and permanent disability insurance or personal accident insurance policy via your superannuation fund or employer.

This fact sheet may be useful if you decide to engage a lawyer for your motor vehicle injury insurance claim. It provides information about your rights and proposes some questions to ask.