Preparing food hampers for people in need during the COVID-19 pandemic

Staff volunteering at Foodbank WA

Foodbank WA provides food and groceries to over 400 registered charities across the State, including the delivery of food in emergencies.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Foodbank WA’s volunteer numbers fell significantly.

This is why almost 40 Insurance Commission staff spent a day at Foodbank WA in mid-2020 to pack emergency food hampers destined for people in need. The hampers were distributed via community groups, dining halls, mobile soup vans, and schools.

Michelle Tobin, a Workforce Services Officer at the Insurance Commission, says: “Charities like Foodbank WA rely on volunteers, so it’s good to be able to lend a hand during this time. It also gives you a perspective into the difficulties that other’s in our community are going through.”

See the team in action.